
Lifting lug design handbook
Lifting lug design handbook

lifting lug design handbook

Guidelines to be considered as recommended in Ref 1. StrengthFy=36ksiGeometric Guidelines:There are some geometric Of holed=1.85inchesDimension aa=1.45inchesDimensionĮe=1.9685inchesUltimate steel strengthFu=58ksiYeild Sheet1DESIGN OF LIFTING LUGINPUTThicknesst=0.9843inchesDiameter Rule 3: The thickness of lug is greater than or equal to 0.5 inches a e These are refered to as Rule 3 and Rule 4 here. 1, this failure is prevented by ensuring a minimum thickness of lug of 0.5 inches and 0.25 times the hloe diameter d.

lifting lug design handbook

t/1.8d P w4 = This failure mode involves the out-of-plane buckling failure of the lug. e.t/1.8 P w3 = This failure mode involves tensile failure as the pin tries to push out of a block of steel through the edge of the lug plate. The shear area is twice the cross-sectional area beyond the hole for the pin. t.d pin /1.8 P w2 = This Failure mode involves shear failure as the pin tries to push out a block of steel through the edge of the lug plate. Using a bearing stress of 0.9F y, and a "factor" of 1.8 d pin = P w2 =0.9.F y. Let us assume a pin diameter 1/2" less than the hole diameter. Often the pin diameter is much less than the hole diameter. Rule 2: The dimension "e" must be greater than or equal to 0.67 times the hole diameter, d P u =2.a.t.F u P w1 =P u /FS P w1 = This Failure mode involves bearing failure at the pin/lifting lug interface.

lifting lug design handbook

Rule 1: The dimension "a" must be greater than or equal to half the hole diameter, d. Ultimate tensile load 165.55926 kips Factor of safety FS= 5 33.112 kips Failure Mode 2: diameter of pin 1.35 inches 23.918 kips Failure Mode 3: 31.002 kips Failure Mode 4: 46.137 kips Failure Mode 5: F u = F y = There are some geometric guidelines to be considered as recommended in Ref 1. NESMA HAVATEK Project Name : Lifting Beam 10 DESIGN OF LIFTING LUG INPUT Thickness t= 0.9843 inches Diameter of hole d= 1.85 inches Dimension a a= 1.45 inches Dimension e e= 1.9685 inches Ultimate steel strength 58 ksi Yeild strength 36 ksi Geometric Guidelines: Rule 1: OK Rule 2: OK Evaluation based on Failure Mode: Failure Mode 1: This failure mode involves tension failure on both sides of the hole.

Lifting lug design handbook